This blog is about fashion as seen through a photographer's (hopefully) critical optics. This blog is not so much about clothes, fabrics and design as of the people involved in fashion. Most photos will be self produced. The words will be written by this blogger and other people with a relevant point of view. I apologize for my English. English is not my mother tongue.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

- Outfit of the Day/First Mover

Who hasn’t dreamed of being the first mover in fashion, the one person that all others will copy and follow? In my attempt for once in my life to be the first to do something I changed the colour of my socks around 5 years ago (at least two or tree times in the week). My idea was that the white socks from the 1980s may well resurface and become modern again soon. In the 1980s it was as I remember it impossible to find a young person without white socks. Michael Jackson loved his white socks so much that he kept them on well into the late 1990s and actually into the new millennium. I took off my white socks in the mid-eighties, but I have put my white socks on again. But nothing has happened. So I’m waiting and waiting. But if, or when the white socks will have a renaissance I was the first to move :)

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